Entrepreneurial Internships with Sandbox Teams
Are you a MIT student looking for an internship that exposes you to entrepreneurship?
You can intern for a student-led Sandbox team that is working to solve a problem with an innovative solution. Internships are open to both undergraduate and graduate students. View details on finding opportunities.
Email sandbox@mit.edu
Are you a current Sandbox team looking to hire a MIT undergraduate or graduate intern?
As part of your approved budget, you can hire a current MIT student as an intern. View details on hiring MIT interns to be clear on maximum hours and pay rates.
View details on listing internship opportunities. Alumni team are welcome to also list opportunities.
Finding a Internship with a Sandbox Team
How do I find a Sandbox team internship?
Sign up for the Sandbox’s community opportunity email list to view opportunities and post your availability and skills. To subscribe, send an email to sandbox-intern-connection-request@mit.edu with the word subscribe in the subject. Post availability and skills using body of the email rather than attachments. You can also review earlier postings on the web archive.
View opportunities on MIT Orbit. This is a portal dedicated to MIT entrepreneurship opportunities, events, and resources.
How do I apply for an internship?
Contact the team directly based on the internship listing in the Sandbox’s community opportunity email list.
Once you have agreed to an internship with a Sandbox team, you will be asked to provide all the necessary details to set up your appointment in Atlas.
How many hours per week will I be working and at what rate?
Each intern will agree the to number of hours per week and pay rate with the hiring Sandbox team.
Hourly minimum wage is $ 16/hr.
Listing Sandbox Team Internship Opportunities
Where can I list my team’s internship opportunities?
Current and recent alumni teams with opportunities can post on Sandbox’s community opportunity email list. Subscribe to it by sending an email to sandbox-intern-connection-request@mit.edu with the word subscribe in the subject.
After replying to the confirmation email, you will automatically receive an email with more detailed instructions on how to use the list, including how to unsubscribe, access the postings archive or limit the volume of messages you receive from the list.
Teams can post their internships using the body of the email rather than attachment. In additional to posting and receiving new messages, you can review earlier postings on the web archive.
Post opportunities on MIT Orbit. This is a portal dedicated to MIT entrepreneurship opportunities, events, and resources.
Post internships on the EECS student opportunities list. Be sure to review their rules for posting.
How does our team pay for an intern?
You can hire and pay for interns out of your approved Sandbox funds.
The additional hours must part of an approved budget. View details on hiring MIT interns to be clear on maximum hours and pay rates.